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Yes, the Solid Waste Section provides assistance to applicants during this process. Please contact us at (808) 586-4226 for additional details.
You need to fill out the general permit application. In addition to the general information (e.g. facility information, owner and operator information), fill out each of the sections that reflect the type of solid waste activities occurring at the site. In the example presented in the question, the MSW landfill, composting, salvaging and recycling sections should be completed.
You may use the permit by rule application form only if your activity falls into one of the four categories and descriptions provided in Hawaii Administrative Rules, Chapter 11-58.1-04(i). A summary of categories are as follows: (1) convenience centers accepting less than 40 tpd of only residential waste, (2) composting facilities accepting not more than 3,000 tpy of only green waste, (3) land clearing, grubbing and certain agricultural landfills and inert waste landfills of a certain size and specified waste source, and (4) recycling drop-off and single source-separated recyclable processing facilities. If you are uncertain as to the type of application is required, please contact the Solid Waste Section at (808) 586-4226.
A major responsibility of the Solid & Hazardous Waste Branch is the regulation of solid waste management facilities. The Solid Waste Section regulates solid waste management facilities that store, process, treat, transfer, or dispose of solid waste, including but not limited to landfill, waste-to-energy, composting, recycling, salvaging, and transfer facilities. Regulatory oversight is conducted under HRS 342H, HAR 11-58.1 and through a permitting system. Permit applications and forms pertaining to facility solid waste management can be found below or by using the Application Finder (on the left). Please contact the Solid & Hazardous Waste Branch should you have any questions (808) 586-4226.
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